After all the thought and hard work of making a quilt top, we seek a partner who will finish our quilts with complementary quilting and fulfill our vision. Jane is that partner for me and amazes me every time with her artistry and excellence. I highly recommend you choose her as your partner!
-MaryBeth D
Thank you for the beautiful work you do!
-Paula K
You take a so-so quilt top and turn it into a thing of beauty! You amaze me! I am so happy to have found you!
-Grace J
To SEND a Quilt -download below:
First time client, fill out the form below
Repeat Client Form Below
Quilt PrepQuilt Pricing - Pricing is based on the size of your quilt top.
- Several factors are considered for your quilt. The density of the quilting design and how much time to stitch your design factors into the cost. The more dense = more cost.
- We have thousands of designs to choose from!
- Type of batting also plays a part in the calculations, please download How to Prepare your Quilt Top for Quilting below for best results.
- Quilting designs begin at $0.027 psi (per square inch).
- Shipping is available- let us know if you choose this option.
- Download and fill out Standard Work Order to include with your quilt. Repeat clients, please fill out the repeat form below. One per quilt please.
- Questions - call or text 810-447-0668 or email
- Additional charges may apply for mulitple fabrics used in backings. client sent battings and or sheets used as a backing due to uneven stretching which results with tucks in the backing.
- Minimum quilting charge = $60.00